Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral <p><strong> Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral</strong> adalah jurnal <em>pree-review</em> yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda, terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan penelitian dan kajian bidang Pendidikan Keagamaan Katolik/Kateketik dan Pastoral. E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2777-063X</a>. P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-581X</a></p> Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda en-US Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral 2549-581X Peran Katekese Keluarga sebagai Persekutuan Umat Beriman Masa Kini dalam Terang Anjuran Apostolik Familiaris Consortio <p><em>The focus of this research is to delve into and re-understand the apostolic exhortation of Pope John Paul II regarding the document Familiaris Consortio, specifically articles 51-54. This document specifically discusses the role of Christian families in the dynamics of contemporary times. This theme is very intriguing to study because it is relevant to the current family situation. The aim of this research is to make the Familiaris Consortio document a guide to enhance the understanding and awareness of families in carrying out their vocation. As a "small" Church, the family carries out the main task of Christianity, which is to proclaim the Gospel integrated into the sacrament of marriage. This is quite relevant to address all the issues and challenges facing Christian families today, such as divorce, domestic violence, the influence of technology on relationship patterns, and access to quality education due to lack of facilities and economic limitations. The methodology used in this research is qualitative research with a literature study approach. This paper finds that the Christian family is a Church Fellowship responsible for proclaiming the Gospel, educating in faith, and being a tangible sign of God's love integrated into the sacrament of marriage. By living out its unique vocation, the Christian family can bring God's presence and create goodness together.</em></p> Wenseslaus Jugan Copyright (c) 2024 Wenseslaus Jugan 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 1 11 10.61831/gvjkp.v8i1.217 Metode Pendampingan Iman Anak melalui Kegiatan Serikat Kepausan Anak Misioner di Stasi Santo Yosef Kampung Baru <p><em>This research aims to determine the forms of activities for mentoring children's faith, implementation of mentoring methods, supporting and inhibiting factors for mentoring children's faith through SEKAMI activities at Stasi St. Yosef Kampung Baru. A descriptive qualitative approach, with interactive analysis was used to analyze data collected through observation, interviews, with 13 informants consisting of 4 companions and 9 SEKAMI members. The results of this research show that the forms of mentoring activities are communicative, creative, communal and learning activities. Based on the mentoring methods, namely the explaining, asking, doing and assigning methods, it is known that the most dominant method used by the mentors is the doing method because this method is considered to be able to help children see the relevance and practical application of the mentoring material in everyday life. The explanation method shows an attempt to provide a direct explanation regarding the material to be studied. The questioning method is used to encourage participants to participate in learning by formulating relevant questions. Meanwhile, the assignment method shows an effort to involve children in tasks that can test their understanding and skills. The combination of these four methods is a holistic approach to mentoring. Through a variety of different methods, it can provide an interesting, enjoyable and effective faith mentoring experience.</em></p> Theorodus Donni Tangel Yohanes Yuda Fabianus Sidi Copyright (c) 2024 Theorodus Donni Tangel, Yohanes Yuda, Fabianus Sidi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 26 10.61831/gvjkp.v8i1.214 Kesempurnaan Cinta Kasih dalam Perkawinan Katolik: Studi Komprehensif tentang Arti Kasih Sayang dalam Perkawinan Katolik Tanpa Anak (Childless) <p><em>The focus of this study is to explore the meaning of love for married couples who have not been blessed with children. The methodology used is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Data processing techniques were carried out using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method with several sources of online articles. The lives of married couples are unique in their daily lives when they are not blessed with children. When everyone lives as a married couple, they really hope for the presence of children. In this undesirable situation, the couple was able to rise. This is what will be studied in this research, namely why married couples are able to rise from resilience. The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of love is lived by married couples who have not been blessed with children. Researchers found that in looking at a marriage the presence of children is not the only goal of marriage. Then good communication between married couples can strengthen the relationship between them.</em></p> Alfredsius Ngese Doja Yosafat Reynaldi K. Alfanov Yohanes Endi Copyright (c) 2024 Alfredsius Ngese Doja, Yosafat Reynaldi K. Alfanov, Yohanes Endi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 27 35 10.61831/gvjkp.v8i1.221